Calling +919425074596 , 07295-232361

Infrastructure (Dynamic)

Computer lab

Our institution has opened up the windows on knowledge by setting up a well equipped computer laboratory which assists us to keep pace with the current changing roles of the teacher in this technology driven educational scenario. The institution has full-fledged computer laboratory with LAN and 24 hours uninterrupted Internet connection. Cyber space for computer geeks is with Zenith branded Pentium IV machines with 15 inches colored monitors, which are extravagant assets of the institute. All time internet connectivity is sharply available; all computers are connected to LAN using structured networking.

Science Lab

The Lab is equipped with various models different type of apparatus testing materials. Our physics, chemistry, Biology, Maths Laboratories has all the equipments in sufficient quantity so that each pupil teacher can perform his practical individually our updated physics lab with all instruments and equipments.

Psychology lab

Psychology lab has a very important place in an education college. Learning Educational Psychology is very essential for a pupil teacher so that one can understand the psychology of a child and help him to overcome the problem in Psychology Laboratory! We provide interactive resources for the teaching of psychological science. The institution optimally utilizes the Psychology Laboratory which has various standardized intelligence tests, aptitude, creativity tests and also interest, adjustment and personality inventories which prove to be beneficial to the M Ed. students in their endeavors related to psychological constructs. In addition to this, the institute is equipped with the requisite equipments required for conducting the various psychology experiments for M.Ed. & B.Ed. students.

Work Ex. Lab

The work experience lab has been established on the lines of learning by doing. The lab is equipped with moulds of chalk making, jute work, clay work, stitching essential interior decoration, paper cutting and pot decoration, preparing best out of waste etc.

Language Lab

Language Lab is the important for any human being. It helps in understanding and expressing. The entire subject are learnt and taught through language. Thus to improve the four skills of languages the college has established a language lab where the student are taught all the four skill of both hindi and English languages through software and othe various techniques with latest instruments.

Educational Technology Lab

The educational technology and Psychology labs of the institute are the best labs in the private sector education colleges in the province. The ET lab is well equipped with LCD & OHD projector, high internal storage capacity with built-in 120 GB hard disk, integrated speakers, and visual audio systems. ET lab is full of Educational CD's and Video Cassettes.

Infrastructure, Building and Workshop(Dynamic)

SI. No. Ownership Documents/Lease agreement for rented building In Square Metres Link to scanned document/image
a. Total Area
b. Covered Area
c. Total Class Rooms Area .
d. Total Workshops Area .
e. Drawing Hall .
f. Audio Visual Hall .
g. Computer Lab .
h. Play Area
i. Library
j. Remarks

Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

Trade Unit Class Room Area per Unit Total class room area for Trade Workshop Area per unit Total Workshop area for Trade Remarks (Photograph etc. in link
Trade 63 25 sq meter 30sq meter

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 07295-232361