Calling +919425074596 , 07295-232361

About Us

About Institute

Introduction of the Institute with the Mission Statement and Objective

Name of the Society/Trust/Company etc. yash shikshan sansthan gramin vikas samiti, badnawar (dhar)
Registration Number and its validity 03/28/02/08002/04
Scanned copy of related certificates hyperlinked attached
Remarks society for new colleges

Name (s) of Chairman and Members

Name & Designation Father’s/Husband’s Name Address Mobile No. UID No. Whether member of any other Society/Trust/company If answer of column 6 is yes,please furnish details
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Madhulika jain Prakashchandra jain 40 shikshak colony Badnawar 94250 74596 6079 9820 5310 No N.A
Prakashchandra Jain Manaklal ji Jain - - 8535 7540 5913 - -
Amit jain Prakashchandra jain - - 9358 2145 0394 - -

Schemes running in the Institute (CTS and MES etc. under NCVT)

Name of the Scheme Total Capacity Duration Admitted in Current Financial Year Current Status
Craftsman Training Scheme 63 2 year All 63 2nd and 4th semester
Modular Employable Scheme All govt. projects Minimun 3 mounths N.A.
Other Schemes

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 07295-232361